
Green Technology Global provides Customized Solutions Offerings featuring 21st Century Hydroponic Vertical cultivation systems.

We employ advanced methodologies that operate above ground independent of contaminated ground soil that uses considerably less quantities of water per day.

Hydroponics provides crop yields producing organic, healthy, tasty vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, herbs and ornamental flowers for human consumption and fodder for animals 365 days per year housed in an indoor controlled environment with Zero Impact
on the Environment.

Greenfield Hydroponics Automated & Manual Systems can be installed as a Turnkey solution that can be placed in
repurposed buildings or malls
under controlled-atmospheric conditions
ideal for cultivating fruits, vegetables and flowers in
Vertical Hydroponic trays.

Click here to view
the Greenfield Hydroponics Brainshark

Click here to view the
Greenfield Hydroponics Reclaim Brownfields Brainshark

ANIMAL FODDER for Horses...more information

ANIMAL FODDER for Cows...more information

ANIMAL FODDER As A Service...more information

Click here to view the GHI Fodder As A Service Video

Click here to view the
Greenfield Hydroponic Fodder Brainshark